挑戦的新領域博士研究助成制度 (チャレンジファンド)

GSFS Challenging New Area Doctoral Research Grant (GSFS Challenge Fund)

概要 About GSFS Challenge Fund

「新領域創成科学研究科 挑戦的新領域博士研究助成」(チャレンジファンド)は、新領域創成科学研究科に所属する博士後期課程学生を対象に、新領域の創発に資する独創的な研究を奨励することを目的とした研究助成です。本研究科大学院博士後期課程に在籍し、研究倫理教育(※)を受講済みの学生が、本助成の研究代表者として申請できます。




The Graduate School of Frontier Sciences (GSFS) is offering "Challenging New Area Doctoral Research Grant" (Challenge Fund) to encourage doctoral students to conduct original research that contributes to the emergence of new fields. Those who are eligible to apply for this grant as principal investigators must be enrolled in a GSFS doctoral course and must have taken the research ethics training*. 

For applicants applying by individuals, it is encouraged that they learn advanced research and its related methods outside of their own laboratory. The grant amount is limited to 300,000 yen per project.
For applicants applying as a group with two or more people, applications that include collaboration with other laboratories are encouraged. The grant amount is limited to 500,000 yen per project.
Please read the application guidelines for more details. 

We would like to thank UTEC (The University of Tokyo Edge Capital) for their generous support in making this grant possible.

*Principal investigators and research members must take the research ethics training (eAPRIN) Course A (either A-1, A-2, or A-3) before applying.

公募情報 Application Information

申請受付期間 Application Period


Monday, April 22, 2024, through (no later than) Thursday, May 9, 2024, at 12 noon

If you are going to be a principal investigator or a research member, please be sure to consult with your supervisor about your application before applying for the Challenge Fund.

公募要領・様式 Guidelines & Forms


申請番号取得フォーム Application Number Request Form


Principal investigators are requested to fill in and submit the above “Application Number Request Form” to acquire the necessary application number. An application number will be issued (by email to the address entered in the “Application Number Request Form”) together with a designated “Application Form” URL. "Application Form" can be accessed only from the URL within the email.







Orientation for April 2024 application will be held online (on Zoom) both in Japanese and English. 

The detailed information will be announced to all the GSFS students by email.

2023年度採択者の研究発表ポスター掲示のお知らせ AY2023 Research Presentation Poster Display

2024/4/16 - 2024/4/26 教育支援室(環境棟109号室)Education Support Office (Rm 109, Environmental Studies Bldg.)


The research presentation posters of the students accepted in AY2023 will be displayed in the Education Support Office (Room 109, Environmental Building). The posters were used in the poster session of the Results Presentation on March 11, 2024. If you are interested, please stop by the Education Support Office.

成果報告 Achievement Report

様式 Forms


Principal Investigators who receive this grant must submit the Achievement Report and the Statement of Income and Expenditure by accessing the form designated by GSFS. Details will be notified individually to the Principal Investigators.

成果発表会 Results Presentation

2025年3月実施予定 Scheduled to be held in March 2025.


Further details will be provided at a later date.

Presentation Program (in English)


Participation Registration Form

謝辞掲載のお願い Acknowledgments


When publishing research achievements obtained through the Challenge Fund, please make sure to indicate them in the acknowledgments as shown below.

* * * * *


本研究は、東京大学大学院新領域創成科学研究科 挑戦的新領域博士研究助成(課題番号:#####)の支援を受けたものです。

Example (##### is your project number): 

This research was supported by the Graduate School of Frontier Sciences, The University of Tokyo, through the Challenging New Area Doctoral Research Grant (Project No. #####).

お問い合わせ先 Inquiry

新領域創成科学研究科 教育支援室 チャレンジファンド担当

GSFS Education Support Office, Challenge Fund Secretariat
