
Project & Inquiry


Education Support Office is in charge of the following educational support projects under the dean of the Graduate School of Frontier Sciences (GSFS), in collaboration with GSFS Student Affairs Team, Office of Education and Research Strategy, International Liaison Office, Public Relations Office, etc. Please visit the project’s website for more details. As for the addresses mentioned below, please replace (at) with @.

支援事業一覧 Project List

教育プログラム Educational Program

大学院生対象・経済支援付プログラム/Program for Graduate Students (providing financial support)

単位互換プログラム/Credit Transfer Program

東京大学前期課程(1・2年生)対象 全学体験ゼミナール/Seminar for UTokyo Undergraduate Students (Years 1&2)


Educational Program


Program for Graduate Students (providing financial support)

〔問い合わせ先  Inquiry〕wings-pes(at)edu.k.u-tokyo.ac.jp (担当:オポク・武井/Ms. Opoku, Ms. Takei



The University of Tokyo “World-leading INnovative Graduate Study Program in Proactive Environmental Studies” (WINGS-PES) is an integrated five-year master-doctoral program for brilliant Japanese and international students. Located on Kashiwa Campus, WINGS-PES is ideally situated for the promotion of educational and research exchanges with world-leading research centers including the University’s Affiliated Institutions as well as National Research and Development Agencies residing in Tsukuba.  

(Related Projects)


GSFS Common Course

Critical Thinking Basics - Select concepts, tools and techniques I/II

Critical Thinking Skills - Select applications & reflection I/II

〔問い合わせ先  Inquiry〕paulconsalvi(at)edu.k.u-tokyo.ac.jp   (担当:コンサルヴィ 教授/Prof. Consalvi)

Critical Thinking tools, techniques, and dispositions can help researchers make and justify important choices when crafting and selecting research questions, problem statements, hypotheses, methodologies, findings, etc. In these courses, we seek to develop key skills for careful independent thinking, clear expression of one’s own thoughts, and critical evaluation of the many claims and arguments that confront us daily. In addition to becoming familiar with basic concepts and frameworks, becoming a critical thinker involves understanding your internal motivation for higher quality thinking, and taking advantage of opportunities to practice applying critical thinking tools and techniques. By the end of each course, students should be better able to apply basic critical thinking tools and techniques that could substantially improve the quality of their thinking and how they communicate their thinking to others.

〔問い合わせ先  Inquiry〕masae(at)edu.k.u-tokyo.ac.jp (担当:林 助教/Dr. Hayashi

「プロアクティブ・リサーチコモンズ」は、S2・A1の2つのタームにかけて実施される科目です。まず、前半S2タームでは、学融合教育研究コモンズが教育プログラムのコアとする「センシング(今を測る)」「シミュレーション(将来を計る)」「ものづくりデザイン(未来を図る)」に関する 5つの技術に関するテーマから2つを選択し、その講義を受講します。後半のA1タームでは、履修生が主体となって、習得した技術をもとにそれらの融合による新たなアイディア創出やものづくりを行います。

“Proactive Research Commons” is a subject conducted during the two terms of S2 and A1. Students are required to select two lectures of the five core themes offered as intensive lectures in S2 term and learn the core skills. In the following A1 term, students will work on ideas for applications to manufacturing, development, and research through the integration of core technologies, as well as discussions and presentations of the results. 


Credit Transfer Program

〔問い合わせ先  Inquiry〕gsfsunu-jointdiploma(at)edu.k.u-tokyo.ac.jp (担当:池田・オポク/Ms. Ikeda, Ms. Opoku

Utilizing both transdisciplinary and holistic approaches, The University of Tokyo has long challenged the complex issues related to global sustainability. One example is the collaborative effort to establish a joint diploma between the Graduate School of Frontier Sciences (GSFS) and the United Nations University Institute for the Advanced Study of Sustainability (UNU-IAS). 

This joint diploma is open to doctoral and master students of both GSFS and UNU-IAS, provided that they obtain permission from their supervisors, and that the courses taken as part of the diploma do not clash with their research or other academic activities as part of their respective programs.

東京大学前期課程(1・2年生)対象 全学体験ゼミナール

Seminar for UTokyo Undergraduate Students (Years 1&2)

〔問い合わせ先  Inquiry〕ksc(at)edu.k.u-tokyo.ac.jp (担当:池田/Ms. Ikeda)


"Kashiwa Campus Science Camp" (KSC) is a short-term winter program providing basic training for future researchers and a chance of intensively experiencing the "field of intellectual adventure" at advanced research departments of The University of Tokyo.


Student Support Project

〔問い合わせ先  Inquiry〕ocj-eso(at)edu.k.u-tokyo.ac.jp (担当:中嶋・小林/Ms. Nakajima, Ms. Kobayashi)

「新領域創成科学研究科 オンキャンパスジョブ」では、学生が自身の専門性や高度な知識を活用して、研究科全体の運営に資するさまざまな活動に責任をもって参画することを支援し、その貢献に対して相応の報酬を支給します。研究科の魅力を高めると同時に、学生にとっては将来のキャリアに向けたスキルと経験を得る機会にもなります。

"GSFS On-Campus Job" (OCJ) supports students with expertise and advanced knowledge to participate in a variety of activities that contribute to the overall operation of the Graduate School.  Students are decently compensated for contributions that both enhance the attractiveness of the Graduate School and serve as an opportunity for students to gain skills and experience for their future careers.


Survey on Education at GSFS

〔問い合わせ先  Inquiry〕gsfs-stu-survey(at)edu.k.u-tokyo.ac.jp (担当:中嶋・小林/Ms. Nakajima, Ms. Kobayashi)

新領域創成科学研究科では、新入生および修了生(修士課程・博士後期課程・博士後期課程満期退学者)を対象にアンケート調査を実施しています。回答は匿名で収集し、 本研究科における教育の質の維持・向上、および教育研究体制の一層の充実を図ることを目的としています。

The Graduate School of Frontier Sciences conducts a survey of all new degree program students and all students who complete a degree program (or leave a doctoral program after completion). Responses are collected anonymously and used for the purpose of understanding the current state of education provided by the Graduate School, improving its quality, and further enhancing the research and education system.


Student Research Support Project

〔問い合わせ先  Inquiry〕gsfs-challenge-fund(at)edu.k.u-tokyo.ac.jp   (担当:武井/Ms. Takei


The Graduate School of Frontier Sciences (GSFS) is offering the Challenging New Area Doctoral Research Grant (Challenge Fund) to encourage doctoral students to conduct original research that contributes to the emergence of new fields. Applications that include collaboration with other laboratories are encouraged.

〔問い合わせ先  Inquiry〕paulconsalvi(at)edu.k.u-tokyo.ac.jp   (担当:コンサルヴィ 教授/Prof. Consalvi)

"Science Communication Improvement Lab" (SCIL) is dedicated to tackling the challenges that scientists have communicating effectively within the vast expanse of science disciplines as well as with policymakers and the general public. SCIL’s Mission is to provide compelling activities infused with learner accountability that improve the most effective transferable skills demanded by a science community which hopes to promote a more science based approach to addressing the complex, discipline-transcending issues. SCIL is developing a writing and communications center incorporating peer-coaching techniques, using design thinking principles to develop skill based workshops for critical thinking, speaking and presentations and creating tools and techniques to evaluate an individual's skill improvement.


Academic Achievement Archive for students

〔問い合わせ先  Inquiry〕gsfs.aaas(at)edu.k.u-tokyo.ac.jp   (担当:武井/Ms. Takei)


The Graduate School of Frontier Sciences (GSFS) collects and stores the research performance of its master's and doctoral students as data in the Academic Achievement Archive for students (AAAs). We use the data collected in the AAAs in surveys and reporting materials both within and outside the University, as well as in reviews and evaluations conducted within the Graduate School.


Inquiry about other projects

東京大学 大学院新領域創成科学研究科 教育支援室

Education Support Office, Graduate School of Frontier Sciences, The University of Tokyo

〔問い合わせ先  Inquiry〕eso(at)edu.k.u-tokyo.ac.jp

〒277-8563 千葉県柏市柏の葉5-1-5 環境棟109号室

Rm#109, Environmental Studies Bldg., 5-1-5, Kashiwanoha, Kashiwa, Chiba, 277-8563